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  This function extracts information out of a structure based on the field
  values. The outputs can be the sorted structure and the indeces of those
  extracted fields. 

  Use [SortedStruct, SortedIndeces] = sortNEV(STRUCT, field, TestValue, Report)

    STRUCT:     The structure to be used for extraction.

    field:      The field in STRUCT that is set as criteria for extraction.
                This parameter is optional. If not passed, the function
                will prompt the user to provide the name of the field.

    TestValue:  The value that "field" needs to be equal to in order to
                get extracted.
                This parameter is optional. If not passed, the function
                will prompt the user to provide the value.

    Report:     If this flag is set to 1 the function will show a short
                summary of the data that was processed.
                This parametere is optional.
                DEFAULT: will not show report.


    SortedStruct:   The sorted structure output.

    SortedIndeces:  The indeces to the sorted elements.


    [NewStruct, Indeces] = sortNEV(MainStruct, 'TestField', 3, 1);

    In the example above, the MainStruct is the structure containing all
    elements. The function will search through MainStruct and extract all
    elements that have their 'TestField' field set to '3'. It will also
    show a report of how many elemenets were processed and how many were

    Kian Torab
    Blackrock Microsystems
