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  RecordHistory creates a history log while executing menu commands

  RecordHistory(func, arglist, WriteOnly)

  func                is the handle to the function to call
  arglist             is a cell array of arguments to func.
                              arglist{1} should be the sigTOOL data view
                                figure handle
                              arglist(2:end} are arguments to func and
                                may be argument name string/value pairs
                          Arguments should normally resolve to a numeric or
                          logical value or to a string. Vectors,
                          matrices and cell arrays are valid.
                          If the arguments are not numeric, logical
                          or char types, they must either:
                          [1] be resolved to an object by calling a function
                          listed in the last element of the 'functions' field
                          of the history record
                          [2] be a function handle. In this case the
                          function must be in scope from within the output
                          m-file i.e. it must be a function that is
                          accessible on the MATLAB path
                          [3] be a structure, each field of which resolves
                          within the limitations cited above.
  WriteOnly           if true, causes output to be written to the history
                          record without executing func        

  Author: Malcolm Lidierth 08/07
  Copyright © The Author & King's College London 2007-

  This is a modified version of the scExecute function developed for the
  sigTOOL signal analysis package: