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  HELP2DOC copies help text for all m-files in a folder (and subfolders)
  to an HTML file


  returns a list containing the names of files that lack any help text.

  If foldername is not specified, the user will be prompted for it.

  HELP2DOC copies the help text from all m-files in foldername together
  with any in subfolders. The subfolders are searched to any depth 
  Text for each m-file is bookmarked internally in the output file.
  HELP2DOC also adds a contents list and an alphabetical index to the start
  of the file. These are hyperlinked internally to the help text.

  Acknowledgements: HELP2DOC contains a modified version of the MATLAB
                   R2006b helpwin function

  Revisions: makehelphyper included from matlab helptools to support 'see
  also' etc hyperlinks

  See also helpwin
  Author: Malcolm Lidierth 02/07
          King's College London 2006

  Revisions: 26.02.08 Add no help list on output.