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  WHERE returns byte offsets to the variables in a -v6 MAT-file.

  The output from WHERE is similar to that of WHOS but can be used to map
  variables in a a MAT-file and therefore to read/write to them using
  fread/fwrite or memmapfile.

  WHERE can be used on Level 5 & 7 MAT-files but only maps those variables
  stored in Level 5 format up to -v6.
  Gzip compressed data saved with SAVE -v7 will be skipped over and not
  Files saved with SAVE -v7.3 (introduced in R2006b) presently
  cause WHERE to terminate.

  display the results


  SWAP is set to 1 if the endian order of the file is different from that
  of the host computer (0 otherwise).

  return information about the variable at the supplied tag offset. The
  tag offset would normally be derived from a previous call to WHERE.

  FILENAME and VARNAME are strings
  If VARNAME is specified, only information relating to that variable will
  be returned. If field/property names are not specified, wildcards ('*')
  can be used as with WHOS.

  WHERE produces a structure  output (S) similar to WHOS but with
  additional fields as described below

  For a standard MATLAB matrix class:
     S = WHERE(...) returns a structure with the fields:
          name    -- variable name
          size    -- variable size
          bytes   -- number of bytes allocated for the array
          class   -- class of variable
          global  -- logical indicating whether variable is global
          sparse  -- logical indicating whether value is sparse
          complex -- logical indicating whether value is complex
          nesting -- struct with the following two fields:
             function -- name of function where variable is defined
             level    -- nesting level of the function
          flags -- 8 bit uint: currently indicates complex, global, logical
                    and persistent data - see MAT-file documentation
          TagOffset -- the offset into the file to the Tag for this
          DataOffset -- a cell containing a structure with a field
                        '.DiscOffset' which specifies the offset into the
                        file for the data area of this variable.
                        For complex data,DiscOffset is a 1x2 vector with
                        offsets to both real and  imaginary parts. For a
                        structure or object, DataOffset is a cell array
                        with one element for each field/property. Each
                        element will contain a set of ields describing
                        each field/property variable name, size, bytes etc
                        as for a standard matrix (including a DataOffset
          DiscClass -- a cell containing the storage format for the variable
                        on disc - which may be different from class -
                        as a string or 1x2 cell array of strings for
                        complex data with the DiscClass for both real and
                        imaginary parts

  Flags, TagOffset, DataOffset and DiscFormat are supplied by WHERE. The
  remaining fields are derived from a call to WHOS by WHERE (and will vary
  according to the version of WHOS being used).

  For structures and objects
  If the variable is a structure or object, DataOffset will be a cell array
  of structures describing each field or property of the variable as above.

  With a double precision float variable var=1:10 saved
  to file myfile.mat with the MATLAB 'SAVE MYFILE VAR -V6' command

  WHERE('myfile','var') then produces:

    Name    Size    Bytes       Class       TagOffset   DataOffset
    var     1x10      80    uint8=>double       128         184

  Note that to save disc space, MATLAB stores var as uint8 and it needs to
  be cast to double (hence uint8=>double i.e. DiscClass=>Class).

  If var is a structure the output might look as follows:

    Name        Size    Bytes           Class       TagOffset DataOffset
    var          1x1    1068       struct=>struct       128
    .field1      1x1    48          uint8=>double       224   276
    .field2      1x6    64           uint16=>char       280   336
    .field3      1x10   64          uint8=>double       352   408
    .field4      1x1    280        struct=>struct       424   NaN

  A TagOffset is returned for the structure, and for each field. Names,
  DataOffsets and formats are supplied for each field. However, structures
  within structures (as for field4) are not analyzed further and
  DataOffsets are returned as NaN. To analyze these fields further use the
  structure S containing a structure A containing a structure B containing
  a matrix C use where(filename,'S','A','B','C'). This form recursively calls
  WHERE(FILENAME, TAGOFFSET) to dig through the nest.

  Details for objects are returned as above for structures.

  If 'unknown' appears in a class field it indicates that the variable has
  not been fully analyzed by WHERE. In this case, DiscOffset will be NaN.
  This will be the case for custom variables, functions, structure arrays,
  cells and sparse arrays (TagOffsets will be returned for these if they are
  fields/properties of a structure/object).With compressed data
  (v7) all offsets will be NaNs.

  Example: using with memmapfile to map a standard matlab matrix:
  map=memmapfile('myfile.mat','Format',{s.class s.size 'mydata'},...

  See also WHOS, memmmapfile, fread

  Revisions: 16.09.06 WHERET functionality incorporated into WHERE
                      Coding generally tidied - global variables removed.
                      WHERET obsolete and deleted.
             21.09.06 Now works with big-endian files on Windows
             03.11.06 Now platform independent - Works on both big-endian
                        and little-endian platforms with both big-endian 
                        and little-endian MAT-files. Tested on Windows XP
                        and Mac OS X (4.4.8 on a PowerMac G4).
             04.11.06 Size now consistently returned as row vector (column
                        vector returned for fields/props previously)
             08.11.06 Matrix size now prints correctly. 
             16.11.06 The output .bytes field now consistently contains the
                      number of bytes for a matrix when loaded. For a
                      structure/object  .bytes contains the size on disc.
                      (This is consistent with the builtin WHOS)
                      A .DiscBytes field has been introduced. This is the
                      size of the variable on disc (for all data types)i.e.
                      the size of the header + data.
            28.11.06  DataOffset changed to include a DataOffset subfield
                      for each field/property - previously the DiscOffset
                      was placed directly in DataOffset. The new
                      arrangment allows elements of DataOffset to be used
                      in the same way as those from standard variables,
                      e.g. s=where(filename, structname);
                      will return ws with a ws.DataOffset field of its own.
           28.11.06   .size now contains trailing singleton dimensions. This
                      is unlike whos, but is needed after using
                      AddDimension with the AppendXXXX functions
           29.11.06  Sort output fields alphabetically
           26.06.07-26.08.07 Further formating improvements
           21.01.10   R2010a compatible               


  This program is distributed without any warranty,
  without even the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose.

  Author: Malcolm Lidierth Updated 11/06
  Copyright © The Author & King's College London 2006