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  wvCurrentSourceDensity calculates 1-dimensional current source densities

  It is assumed that a fixed number of triggers have been delivered at each
  point along an electrode track. wvCurrentSourceDensity calls wvAverage
  to average the data at each point. The MATLAB del2 function is used to
  find the discrete Laplacian.

  result=wvCurrentSourceDensity(fhandle, field1, value1, field2, value2...)

  returns a sigTOOLResultData object. If no output is requested the result
  will be plotted.

  Valid field/value pairs are:
      'trigger'               one or more valid trigger channel numbers
                                 (scalar or vector)
      'sources'               one or more valid source channel numbers
                                 (scalar or vector) 
      'start'                 the start time for data processing
                                 (scalar, in seconds)
      'stop'                  the stop time for data processing
                                 (scalar, in seconds)
      'duration'              the duration of the sweep (pre+post time)
                                 (scalar, in seconds)
      'pretime'               the pre-time 
                                 (scalar, as a percentage of the duration)
      'sweepsperaverage'      the number of triggers to use for each average.
                              Set to zero to use all available triggers.
                              If sweepsperaverage is non-zero and less than
                              the total number of triggers available, 
                              multiple averages will be returned each using
                              sweepsperaverage triggers
      'overlap'               the percentage overlap for multiple triggers.
                              If overalp is non-zero, multiple averages will
                              be calculated using overlapping data. For example,
                              with sweepsperaverage=20 and overlap=50, 
                              averages will be calculated for sweeps 1-20,
                              11-30, 21-40 etc. 
      'retrigger'             Logical flag. If retrigger is true, all 
                              triggers will be used (typically e.g for 
                              spike-triggered averaging). If false, triggers
                              will be debounced (see debounce.m).
                                  (Logical. default==false)
      'dcflag'                Logical flag. If true, the average value in the
                              pre-stimulus period (the values at t<0) will be
                              subtracted from each average. If no pre-stimulus
                              period is defined (i.e. pretrigger==0), the 
                              value if the first bin in the result will
                              be subtracted for each average.
                                  (Logical. default==false)
      'method'                the averaging method. A string, either 'mean'
                              or 'median'
      'errtype'               the error type. A string, either 'std' for
                              standard deviation or 'prctile' for percentiles. 
      'percentiles'           a two-element vector giving the required
                              percentiles if errtype=='prctile'. 
                                  (Default [25 75]);
      'spacing'               the spacing between recording points. May be
                              a scalar, in which case equidistant recording
                              points starting at zero will be assumed.
                              Otherwise a vector of points can be given.

  Author: Malcolm Lidierth 11/07
  Copyright © The Author & King's College London 2007-