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  JPETH constructor for jpeth class

  obj=jpeth(trig, sp1, sp2, BinWidth, Duration, pt, tscale)
  returns the jpeth object. Inputs:
        trig:       the trigger times
        sp1:        spike times on channel 1
        sp2:        spike times on channel 2
        BinWidth:   the binwidth for the histigrams
        Duration:   the duration over which to calculate the result
                    relative to the trigger the average (inclusive of the
        pt:         the pre-time length
        tscale:     all the above arguments are arbitrarily scaled
                    (typically in clock ticks). tscale provides the scaling
                    factor to convert times to seconds. 

  The returned jpeth object has the following properties
       data:    contains intermediate results used in calculating the jpeth
       display: user-settable function handle of the function used to
                    display the matrix. This is set to @imagesc by default.
                    Use setDisplay to alter the value.
       filter:  a user-settable filter that will be used to filter the
                    result matrix when the getMatrix method is called
       handle:  the handle of the figure or uipanel used for the latest
                    call to plot on the jpeth object (set to [] if not
                    yet plotted)
       label:   a user-settable string (empty ny default).
       mode:    the mode for calculating the jpeth matrix (see below
                        for details)
       nsweeps: the total number of sweeps (triggers)
       peth1:   the peri-event time histogram for spike-train 1 relative
                        to the trigger
       peth2:   the peri-event time histogram for spike-train 2 relative
                        the trigger
       raw:     the raw jpeth matrix scaled according to the number of
                        triggers. Note this will be stored as a sparse
                        double matrix in the object. getXXXX methods will
                        return full matrices.
       sqpeth1: the sum of squares of the counts in each sweep of the
                     peri-event time histogram for spike-train 1
       sqpeth2: the sum of squares of the counts in each sweep of the
                    peri-event time histogram for spike-train 2
       tbase:   the time base for the matrices and histograms
       tscale:  all times for the propeties above are arbitrarily scaled
                    (typically in clock ticks). The tscale property 
                    provides the scaling factor to convert times to seconds. 

  To view the object call plot(obj).

  With the exception of mode, display, filter and label these properties
  should not be altered by the user.

  User-settable properties:
  These may be modified by calls to setMode, setDisplay, setFilter and
  setLabel e.g.
            obj=setMode(obj, 'surprise');

  If no output arguments are specified with these methods, the relevant
  property of the jpeth object in the calling workspace will be updated
  with the value of ph where this is possible (i.e. where the object is a
  named variable in the calling workspace resolvable by a call to

  mode is set by calling the setMode method on the object. Valid standard
  modes are:
    'average'       the raw jpeth matrix scaled by the number of triggers
                    will be used 
    'corrected'     the raw matrix will be scaled by subtracting the
                    cross product of peth1 and peth2
    'normalized'    the corrected matrix will be scaled by product of the
                    standard deviations of the peths. Normalized values are
                    therefore correlation coefficients with a range of
                    -1 to 1.
    'raw'           returns the spike counts without scaling
    'errors'        returns the binomial errors i.e. the counts above 1
                    when more than one spike falls within a bin in a given 
    'surprise'      returns Palm's surprise (Palm et al., 1988)

  To return the jpeth matrix for each mode call setMode followed by
  getMatrix e.g.
            obj=jpeth(.....);                   % construct object
            obj=setMode(obj, 'normalized');     % normalized mode
            matrix=getMatrix(obj);              % get the answer
  Custom modes may be added by the user. To add a mode 'abcdefg' simply
  define a new method "getAbcdefg" (note capital "A") and place it in the
  @jpeth class folder. getMatrix will automatically detect the new method.

  This contains a function handle to a function to plot the coincidence
  matrix. Valid settings are @imagesc (default), @contour and @surf.

  Contains the coefficients of a matrix used to filter the coincidence
  matrix within the getMatrix method. Typically a nXn matrix where n is

  A user settable string.

  Palm et al. (1988) On the significance of correlations among neural spike
  trains Biological Cybernetics 59, 1-11. 

  Author: Malcolm Lidierth 02/09
  Copyright © The Author & King's College London 2009-

    Documentation for jpeth
       doc jpeth