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  extractPhysicalEpochData returns the adc data in an episodically sampled scchannel object

  [data npoints epochs]=extractPhysicalEpochData(channel, epoch)
  [data npoints epochs]=extractPhysicalEpochData(channel, epoch1, epoch2)
  [data npoints epochs]=extractPhysicalEpochData(channel, epoch1, step, epoch2)

          channel is a scchannel object containing episodic data
          epoch is the required epoch (e.g. 1, 2) or range of epochs (e.g. 1:10)
                  Note that the 'end' statement can not be used with this form
          epoch1 and epoch2 allow the the use of the end statement but it
                  must be included as a string e.g.
                      getEpochData(channel, 2, 'end') returns epochs 2:end
                      where 'end' refers to the last valid epoch.
          step if specified sets the increment e.g.
                      getPhysicalEpochData(channel, 2, 2, 'end')
                      returns epochs 2:2:end where 'end' refers to the last
                      valid epoch as above.

          data contains the scaled adc data in double precision with each epoch 
          represented in columns
          npoints and epochs are optional outputs. Each is a row vector.
            npoints gives the number of valid data points in each column
            epochs gives the physical epoch number of the returned data.