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  spEventCorrelation main routine for event correlation

  spEventCorrelation is called for event auto- and cross- correlations
  and peri-event time histograms

  spEventCorrelation(fhandle, InputName1, InputValue1,....);
  spEventCorrelation(channels, InputName1, InputValue1,....);
          fhandle is a valid sigTOOL data view handle
          channels is a sigTOOL channel cell array
          out (if requested) will be a sigTOOLResultData object

  If no output is requested the reslut will be plotted

  Inputs are string/vlaue pairs
      'Trigger'               List of trigger channels
      'Sources'               List of source channels
      'Start'                 Start time for processing (in seconds)
      'Stop'                  End time for processing (in seconds)
      'Duration'              Duration of the required correlation (in seconds)
      'BinWidth'              Binwidth (in seconds)
      'PercentPreTime'        Percentage pre-time (% of Duration)
      'SweepsPerAverage'      Number of triggers to use for each average.
                                  Set to zero to use all triggers. Otherwise, if 
                                  SweepsPerAverage is less than the number
                                  of available triggers, multiple event 
                                  correlations will be returned, each using
                                  SweepsPerAverage triggers
      'RetriggerFlag'         If true, all triggers will be used 
                                  (typical for an event correlation)
                              If false, triggers falling during a preceding
                                  sweep will be ignored (typical for a PETH)

  NB spEventCorrelation calls the eventcorr mex-file or the shadowing
  m-file if eventcorr.cpp has not been compiled for the current platform

  Author: Malcolm Lidierth 04/08
  Copyright © The Author & King's College London 2008-