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    AddDimension     - AddDimension adds a trailing singleton dimension to a variable in a
    AppendColumns    - AppendColumns appends a 2D matrix to an existing 2D matrix in a MAT-file
    AppendMatrix     - AppendMatrix appends the contents of a matrix to a variable in a MAT-file
    AppendVector     - AppendVector adds a vector to an existing vector in a MAT-file
    CheckIsLastEntry - CheckIsLastEntry checks that a variable is the last entry in a MAT-file
    CreateMatrix     - CreateMatrix is presently unused
    endian           - endian returns the endian format for the specified MAT file
    GetLastEntry     - GetLastEntry checks that a variable is the last entry in a MAT-file
    MATOpen          - MATOpen opens a MAT file in appropriate endian mode and returns a handle
    RestoreDiscClass - RestoreDiscClass changes the class of the data in a MAT file (v6)
    VarRename        - VarRename overwrites a variable name in a Level 5 Version 6 MAT-File
    where            - returns byte offsets to the variables in a -v6 MAT-file.