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    progressbar             - WAITBAR Display wait bar.
    SONADCToDouble          - scales a SON ADC channel to double precision floating point
    SONADCToSingle          - scales a SON ADC channel to single precision floating point
    SONChanList             - returns a structure with details of active channels in a SON file
    SONChannelInfo          - reads the SON file channel header for a channel 
    SONCreateChannel        - Obsolete function. To write to a file use the SON32 library
    SONFileHeader           - reads the file header for a SON file
    SONGetADCChannel        - reads an ADC (waveform) channel from a SON file.
    SONGetADCMarkerChannel  - reads an ADCMark channel from a SON file.
    SONGetBlockHeaders      - returns a matrix containing the SON data block headers
    SONGetChannel           - provides a gateway to the individual channel read functions.
    SONGetEventChannel      - reads an event channel from a SON file
    SONGetMarkerChannel     - reads a marker channel from a SON file.
    SONGetRealMarkerChannel - reads an RealMark channel from a SON file.
    SONGetRealWaveChannel   - reads an ADC (waveform) channel from a SON file.
    SONGetSampleInterval    - returns the sampling interval in microseconds 
    SONGetSampleTicks       - Finds the sampling interval on a data channel in a SON file
    SONGetTextMarkerChannel - reads a marker channel from a SON file.
    SONRealToADC            - Converts floating point array to int16
    SONTest                 - tests the integrity of a SON File usinf CED's SonFix program.
    SONTicksToSeconds       - scales timestamp vector IN
    SONUpgradeToVersion6    - Obsolete function
    SONVersion              - returns/displays the version number of the matlab SON library