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  menu_EventFilter sets up the event filters in sigTOOL

  menu_EventFilter associates a function handle and, optionally, a template 
  containing a set of values to match to a sigTOOL data view.
  These are stored in the application data area of the calling figure.
  Separate functions and templates are provided for each of the Channel 
  selections A and B.

  Analysis functions can call the event filter functions to determine which
  subsets of timestamps or data epochs to analyze, typically using the
  scEventFilter function.

  Event Filter Functions
  The function should accept a channel cell element on input and return a
  row vector of logical flags:   true if the template is matched
                                 false otherwise
  The returned vector has one element for each epoch of data

  The following standard functions are defined that do not require any
  marker data in the channel
  'Off'         returns true for all epochs in the channel (default)
  'Odd epochs'  returns true for odd numbered epochs, false otherwise
  'Even epochs' returns true for even numbered epochs, false otherwise 

  The following require a simple numeric matrix in the channel marker field
  'Match Any'   returns true if any marker value for the epoch matches 
                any of specified values in the template, false otherwise
  'Match All'   returns true if there is a match between each 
                element in each row of marker data, and the corresponding
                element in the specified template 

               channels{1}.mrk(10,:)=[0 1 2 3]
        'Match Any' with an input of 0, 1, 2 or 3 would return true
        'Match All' with an input [0 1 2 3] would return true

  If you select 'Custom' from the menu you will be prompted to select a
  custom defined m-file. Such an m-file should have the form
  [TF match]=functionname(channel, match)
  where     channel is an scchannel object
            match, if present, are the values to match (e.g. as in
  TF is the output to place in the channel.EventFilter.Flags field and is a
  logical vector with one value for each event/epoch in channel.
  Functions must return match, even if it is unused (return it empty).

  Author: Malcolm Lidierth 11/07
  Copyright © The Author & King's College London 2007-