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  ABFGetADCChannel reads a data channel from an Axon Instruments ABF file
  [data, times, npoints, s]=ABFGetADCChannel(dllname, filename, channel, episode)

  [data, times, npoints, s]=ABFGetADCChannel(dllname, filename, channel);
  [data, times, npoints, s]=ABFGetADCChannel(dllname, filename, channel, episode);

  dllname: the full path and name of the Axon Instruments ABFFIO.DLL
  filename: the path and file name of the ABF file to read
  channel: the target channel, range 0-15
  episode: if specified the data episode to read

  outputs: the data in a NxM matrix, each column representing one episode
  times: a matrix of sampling times, one value for each data point in data
  npoints: a vector, one value for the number of samples in each episode
            (i.e. each column of data)
  s: a structure with the channel comment, title and units

  data is single floating point and is scales to the units in s.Units

  This routine calls the Axon Instruments DLL and is therefore Windows only

  Author: Malcolm Lidierth 06/07
  Copyright © The Author & King's College London 2007
