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  SONIMPORT copies all channels into a MAT-file

  Note: Use ImportSMR in the sigTOOL package in preference to SONImport
  unless you want data stored in the same way as with previous versions of
  the SON library.

          FID is the matlab file handle
          OPTIONS if present, are a set of one or more arguments
                    (see below)
  When present, OPTIONS must be the last input argument. Valid options
  'ticks', 'microseconds', 'milliseconds' and 'seconds' cause times to
     be scaled to the appropriate unit (seconds by default)in HEADER
  'scale' - calls SONADCToDouble to apply the channel scale and offset to DATA
     which will  be cast to double precision
  Other options will have no effect

  Returns 0 if successful, -1 otherwise

  SONIMPORT stores data in a Level 5 Version 6 compatible MAT-file that can
  be read on any MATLAB supported platform.
  SONIMPORT copies the FileHeader returned by SONFileHeader to the MAT-file
  then loads each channel in turn. The DATA and HEADER fields that would be
  returned by SONGETCHANNEL are then saved. The DATA vector, matrix or
  structure is saved as CHANX where X is the channel number e.g.
  CHAN1 for channel 1. The HEADER is saved as a structure named

  Note that SONIMPORT loads each channel in turn but loads the entire
  channel. Very lengthy channels can cause an out-of-memory error,
  particularly when scaling waveform data to double precision. 
  SONIMPORT issues a warning when this happens and attempts to recover by
  will add the data for the specified channel block-by-block (or
  frame-by-frame) using low-level I/O without having all the data loaded at
  once. If this fails, an incomplete channel entry will be left corrupting
  the MAT-file. SONIMPORT then deletes the MAT-file and returns -1.
  The low-level I/O to the MAT-files has not yet been tested on the
  Mac or other big-endian platforms.

  Malcolm Lidierth 07/06
  Copyright © The Author & King's College London 2006