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  Opens a NEV file and rethresholds it. It outputs a NEV structure into
  MATLAB. This version currently does not save a new NEV file.

  All input arguments are optional. Input arguments must be in the
  following order:

    NSx:          The data structure holding the channel information

    Threshold:    The threshold value in µV. This can be a positive or
                  negative value.
                  DEFAULT: Will automatically set threshold to -65 µV.

    FilterFreq:   The high-pass filter high-pass corner frequency. For
                  example, if the filter is set to 250 then the signal will
                  first get high-pass filtered at 250 Hz before getting
                  DEFAULT: Will automatically high-pass filter signal at
                  250 Hz.


    NEV = rethresholdNSx(NSx, -85, 150);

    In the example above, the NSx structure will be high-pass filtered at 
    150 Hz and then rethresholded at -85 µV. All new waveformes will be
    saved in a NEV structure and will get output to MATLAB.

    NEV = rethresholdNSx;

    In the example above, the user will be propted to choose a NSx file
    then the signal will get high-pass filtered at 150 Hz and then 
    rethresholded at -85 µV. All new waveformes will be saved in a NEV 
    structure and will get output to MATLAB.

    Kian Torab
    Blackrock Microsystems
