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  getCoincidence method for jpeth objects

  out=getCoincidence(obj);          % when obj.filter is set
  out=getCoincidence(obj, width);   % obj.filter will be ignored

  returns the values from the coincidence matrix that are
  temporally aligned i.e. along the main diagional of the matrix. 
  The coincindence matrix will be filtered before taking the values if
  obj.filter is not empty (and does not contain unity). 

  getCoincidence(obj, width)
  returns the average of the bins across the main diagonal i.e. those
  aligned at 90 degrees to the diagonal (=45 degrees to the horizontal).
  Width should be an odd whole number. The result will be appropriately
  scaled to account for the missing data at the corners of the matrix.

  Note that the value of width will default to unity if the filter is set 
  (and a warning will be issued at the command line) since this would 
  otherwise involve averaging data that have already been averaged using the
  set filter

  See also jpeth

  Author: Malcolm Lidierth 02/09
  Copyright © The Author & King's College London 2009-