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    son32                - Prototype file. Create structures to define interfaces found in 'matlab'.
    SONAppID             - sets or gets the creator lable from a SON file
    SONBlocks            - returns the number of blocks written to disk for the channel
    SONBookFileSpace     - Allocates disk space for a file
    SONCanWrite          - test whether a file can be written to
    SONChanBytes         - returns the number of bytes written, or buffered, on the 
    SONChanDelete        - deletes a channel from a SON file
    SONChanDivide        - returns the clock ticks per ADC value from the specified
    SONChanInterleave    - Returns the channel interleave factor for ADCMark channels
    SONChanKind          - Returns the channel type 
    SONChanMaxTime       - returns the sample time for the last data item on a channel
    SONCleanUp           - File cleanup. Not used in Windows
    SONCloseFile         - closes an opened SON file
    SONCommitFile        - flushes data to disc
    SONCreateFile        - creates a new SON file
    SONDateTime          - gets or sets the creation data/time data in a SON file 
    SONDelBlocks         - returns the number of deleted blocks in file FH on channel CHAN
    SONEmptyFile         - Deletes data written to file FH
    SONExtMarkAlign      - gets and sets the alignment state for marker channels
    SONFActive           - tests filter mask layers to see if they are active
    SONFControl          - Reads, sets or clears specified bits in a filter mask structure
    SONFEqual            - Tests a filter mask structure for active layers
    SONFileBytes         - Returns the number of bytes in the file 
    SONFileSize          - Returns the expected size of a file
    SONFilter            - tests whether a set of markers are included in the set defined
    SONFMode             - creates a filter mask structure and/or 
    SONGetADCData        - returns data for Adc, AdcMark, RealWave ( and RealMark?)
    SONGetADCInfo        - Returns information about an ADC data channel
    SONGetChanComment    - returns the comment string for the specified channel
    SONGetChanTitle      - Returns the channel title
    SONGetEventData      - returns the timings for an Event or marker channel
    SONGetExtMarkData    - returns the timings, marker values and extra data
    SONGetExtMarkInfo    - returns details about an extended marker channel
    SONGetExtraData      - reads or writes the extra data area of a SON file
    SONGetExtraDataSize  - Returns the size of the extra data area of file FH in bytes
    SONGetFileComment    - returns the file comment
    SONGetFreeChan       - returns the number of the first free channel in a file
    SONGetFreeChanl      - SONGETFREECHAN returns the number of the first free channel in a file
    SONGetMarkData       - returns the timings and marker values for a Marker, AdcMark,
    SONGetRealData       - returns data for Adc, AdcMark, RealWave ( and RealMark?)
    SONGetTimePerADC     - returns the number of clock ticks per ADC conversion
    SONGetusPerTime      - returns the tick interval in units of SONTimeBase()
    SONGetVersion        - returns the SON file system version number for a file
    SONIdealRate         - gets or sets the ideal sampling rate on a channel
    SONIsSaving          - returns the save state for a specified channel
    SONItemSize          - returns the size of a data item on the specified channel (bytes)
    SONKillRange         - attempts to discard data from a file between two times
    SONLastPointsTime    - returns the time for which a read will terminate
    SONLastTime          - returns information about the last entry on a channel
    SONLatestTime        - is used to flush data to disk
    SONLoad              - loads the son32.dll library and defines global constants
    SONMaxChans          - returns the  number of channels supported by a SON file
    SONMaxTime           - returns the maximum time for data in a file
    SONOpenNewFile       - (obsolete) creates a new SON file and returns the handle
    SONOpenOldFile       - opens an existing a SON file and returns a handle
    SONPhyChan           - returns the physical channel (hardware port) for a channel
    SONPhysChan          - SONPHYCHAN returns the physical channel (hardware port) for a channel
    SONPhySz             - returns the buffer size for the specified chanel
    SONSave              - sets the write state for a channel from a specified time
    SONSaveRange         - sets the write state to save for a channel in the given time range
    SONSetADCOffset      - sets the offset on an ADC channel
    SONSetADCScale       - sets the scale on an ADC channel
    SONSetADCUnits       - sets the units string for a channel
    SONSetBuffering      - specifies the buffer size for writing to a channel
    SONSetBuffSpace      - allocates buufer space for file writes
    SONSetChanComment    - sets the channel comment
    SONSetChanTitle      - sets the channel title
    SONSetEventChan      - sets up a new event or marker channel
    SONSetFileClock      - sets the basic time units and the clocks per ADC conversion
    SONSetFileComment    - sets one of the five file comment fields
    SONSetInitLow        - sets the initial state on an EventBoth (level) channel
    SONSetMarker         - replaces the data associated with a marker on disc
    SONSetRealChan       - creates real wave channel     
    SONSetRealMarkChan   - creates a REALMARK channel
    SONSetTextMarkChan   - creates a TEXTMARK channel
    SONSetWaveChan       - creates an ADC channel     
    SONSetWaveMarkChan   - creates a REALMARK channel
    SONTimeBase          - Get or set the base time units for the file
    SONUpdateStart       - flushes the SON file header to disc
    SONVersion           - returns the MATLAB library version number (Not a CED function)
    SONWriteADCBlock     - writes data to an ADC channel
    SONWriteEventBlock   - writes data to an ADC channel
    SONWriteExtMarkBlock - writes data to a marker channel
    SONWriteMarkBlock    - writes data to a marker channel
    SONWriteRealBlock    - SONWRITERealBLOCK writes data to an Real channel
    SONYRange            - returns the expected minimum and maximum values for a channel