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  SONSETMARKER replaces the data associated with a marker on disc

  Implemented through SONSetMarker.dll

    FH = the SON file handle
    CHAN = the target marker channel
    TIME = the current timestamp of the target marker entry (clock ticks)
    NEWTIME = a new time that will replace the timestamp in TIME
    NEWMARKERS = if present, a set of 4 uint8 marker values that will replace
                those on disc
    NEWEXTRA = if present, the extra data to replace all or some of the 
                existing extra data
                 These may be:  int16 (for AdcMark)
                                single (for RealMark)
                                or uint8 (for TextMark)
                                (N.B. not char which is 16bit in matlab)

  The data type for NEWEXTRA must match that of the target channel (the function
  returns SON_NO_EXTRA if it does not. 

  e.g SONSetMarker(fh, 2, 140100, 140200)
      replaces the timestamp only
      SONSetMarker (fh, 2, 140100, 14020, uint8([22 33 44 55]))
      replaces the markers also
      SONSetMarker (fh, 2, 140100, 14020, uint8([22 33 44 55]), int16([0 0]))
      also replaces the first two extra data entries with zero on an AdcMark channel

  Returns: 1 if the replacement occured.    
           0 if not e.g. NEWEXTRA is longer than the existing entry or the 
               new timestamp would break the temporal sequence of successive
           or an negative error code

  Author:Malcolm Lidierth
  Matlab SON library:
  Copyright © The Author & King's College London 2005-2006