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  Opens and reads an NSx file then returns all file information in a NSx
  structure. Works with File Spec 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 3.0.
  Use OUTPUT = openNSx(fname, 'read', 'report', 'e:xx:xx', 'c:xx:xx', 't:xx:xx', 'mode', 'precision', 'skipfactor', 'nozeropad').

  All input arguments are optional. Input arguments can be in any order.

    fname:        Name of the file to be opened. If the fname is omitted
                  the user will be prompted to select a file. 
                  DEFAULT: Will open Open File UI.

    'read':       Will read the data in addition to the header information
                  if user passes this argument.
                  DEFAULT: will read the entire file.

    'report':     Will show a summary report if user passes this argument.
                  DEFAULT: will not show report.

    'e:XX:YY':    User can specify which electrodes need to be read. The
                  number of electrodes can be greater than or equal to 1
                  and less than or equal to 256. The electrodes can be
                  selected either by specifying a range (e.g. 20:45) or by
                  indicating individual electrodes (e.g. 3,6,7,90) or both.
                  Note that, when individual channels are to be read, all
                  channels in between will also be read. The prorgam will
                  then remove the unwanted channels. This may result in a
                  large memory footprint. If memory issues arrise please
                  consider placing openNSx in a for loop and reading
                  individual channels.
                  This field needs to be preceded by the prefix 'e:'. See
                  example for more details. If this option is selected the
                  user will be promped for a CMP mapfile (see: KTUEAMapFile)
                  provided by Blackrock Microsystems. This feature required
                  KTUEAMapFile to be present in path.
                  DEFAULT: will read all existing electrodes.

    'c:XX:YY':    User can specify which channels need to be read. The
                  number of channels can be greater than or equal to 1
                  and less than or equal to 272. The channels can be
                  selected either by specifying a range (e.g. 20:45) or by
                  indicating individual channels (e.g. 3,6,7,90) or both.
                  Note that, when individual channels are to be read, all
                  channels in between will also be read. The prorgam will
                  then remove the unwanted channels. This may result in a
                  large memory footprint. If memory issues arrise please
                  consider placing openNSx in a for loop and reading
                  individual channels.
                  This field needs to be preceded by the prefix 'c:'. See
                  example for more details.
                  DEFAULT: will read all existing analog channels.

    't:XX:YY':    User can specify the beginning and end of the data
                  segment to be read. If the start time is greater than the
                  length of data the program will exit with an errorNS
                  message. If the end time is greater than the length of
                  data the end packet will be selected for end of data. The
                  user can specify the start and end values by comma 
                  (e.g. [20,50]) or by a colon (e.g. [20:50]). To use this
                  argument the user must specify the [electrodes] or the
                  interval will be used for [electrodes] automatically.
                  This field needs to be preceded by the prefix 't:'. 
                  Note that if 'mode' is 'sample' the start duration cannot
                  be less than 1. The duration is inclusive.
                  See example for more details.
                  DEFAULT: will read the entire file.

    'mode':       The user can specify the mode of duration in [duration],
                  such as 'sec', 'min', 'hour', or 'sample'. If 'sec' is
                  specified the numbers in [duration] will correspond to
                  the number of seconds. The same is true for 'min', 'hour'
                  and 'sample'.
                  DEFAULT: reads 'sample'.

    'uV':         Will read the recording waveforms in unit of uV instead of
                  raw values. Note that this conversion may lead to loss of
                  information (e.g. 15/4 = 4) since the data type will
                  stay in int16. It's recommended to read raw spike
                  waveforms and then perform the conversion at a later
                  DEFAULT: will read recording information in raw.

    'precision':  This will specify the precision for NSx file. If set to
                  'double' the NSx data will be read as 'double' and if set
                  to 'short', the NSx data will be read as 'int16' data
                  type. While reading the file as 'short' may have a much
                  smaller memory footprint and a faster read time, some 
                  post data analysis such as multiplying the signal by a 
                  factor that will make the data larger than (-32,768 to 
                  32,767 -- refer to MATLAB documentation for more 
                  information) may result in unexpected behavior. 
                  Always use caution when using short. If you are not sure
                  of what to use then do not specify this option.
                  DEFAULT: will read data in 'int16'.

    'skipfactor': This option will allow the user to read a decimated
                  version of the data. The skipfactor will determine how
                  many samples to skip. For example, if skipfactor is 2
                  then every other sample is read. If skipfactor is 5 then
                  every fifth sample is read. This is useful to briefly
                  looking at the data in a large datafile when reading the
                  entire dataset would overflow the memory.
                  DEFAULT: is set to 1, so every sample will be read.

    'ver':        If this argument is passed to the function it will return
                  the version number of the function without reading any
                  data files.

    'nozeropad':  It will not zeropad the data to compensate foro the non-
                  zero start time.
                  DEFAULT: zeropads the loaded data.

    OUTPUT:       Contains the NSx structure.

    Example 1: 
    openNSx('report','read','c:\data\sample.ns5', 'e:15:30', 't:3:10','min', 'p:short', 's:5');

    or equivalently
    openNSx('report','read','c:\data\sample.ns5', 'electrodes', 15:30, 'duration', 3:10, 'min', 'precision', 'short', 'skipfactor', 5);

    In the example above, the file c:\data\sample.ns5 will be used. A
    report of the file contents will be shown. The data will be read from
    electrodes 15 through 50 in the 3-10 minute time interval. A decimated 
    version of the datafile will be read, where only every 5th sample is read.
    If any of the arguments above are omitted the default values will be used.

    Example 2:

    In the example above, the file user will be prompted for the file. The
    file will be read using 'int16' precision as default. All time points 
    of Only channels 15 through 30 will be read. If any of the arguments 
    above are omitted the default values will be used.

    Kian Torab
    Blackrock Microsystems