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    mergeNSxNEV(filename1, filename2)

    This function loads two NSx and NEV files and it will combine them
    together into one file. The resulting file will be saved as new NSx
    and NEV files onto the disk.  To combine two NSx and NEV files into 
    indivual NSx and NEV variables in MATLAB see combineNSxNEV. The time
    difference between the two sets of recordings is removed. To determine
    the time differnce between the two data files, use
    NSx.MetaTags.DateTimeRaw or NEV.MetaTags.DateTimeRaw variables.

    filename1:  The name of the first NSx file. This input is optional. In
                its absense, a dialog will open and will prompt the user to
                select an NSx file.

    filename2:  The name of the second NSx file. This input is also
                optional. In its absense, a dialog will open and will
                prompt the user to select an NSx file.


    mergeNSxNEV('c:\data\saveddata1.ns5', 'c:\data\saveddata2.ns5');

    The above example reads the two files (full path needed)
    c:\data\saveddata1.ns5 and c:\data\saveddata2.ns5 and their corresponding
    NEV files (saveddata1.nev and saveddata2.nev) in the same folder and
    merges them into a single file called firstrecording001-combined.ns2
    and firstrecording001-combined.nev.

    Kian Torab
    Blackrock Microsystems

    Kian Torab
    Blackrock Microsystems
  Version History Initial release August 3, 2016
    - Fixed a bug that resulted in a crash if one of two NEV files weren't
