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  Updated to support scProgressBar in sigTOOL

 WAITBAR Display wait bar.
    H = WAITBAR(X,'title', property, value, property, value, ...)
    creates and displays a waitbar of fractional length X.  The
    handle to the waitbar figure is returned in H.
    X should be between 0 and 1.  Optional arguments property and
    value allow to set corresponding waitbar figure properties.
    Property can also be an action keyword 'CreateCancelBtn', in
    which case a cancel button will be added to the figure, and
    the passed value string will be executed upon clicking on the
    cancel button or the close figure button.

    WAITBAR(X) will set the length of the bar in the most recently
    created waitbar window to the fractional length X.

    WAITBAR(X,H) will set the length of the bar in waitbar H
    to the fractional length X.

    WAITBAR(X,H,'updated title') will update the title text in
    the waitbar figure, in addition to setting the fractional
    length to X.

    WAITBAR is typically used inside a FOR loop that performs a
    lengthy computation.  A sample usage is shown below:

        h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
        for i=1:100,
            % computation here %